Monster Crown Trading Card Game

Created by Aaron May

Gather a gang of Monsters, and use incredible depths of strategy to bring your friends to their knees, in the Monster Crown TCG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

News and Updates!
29 days ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 05:36:24 PM

Hey everyone, sorry for the longer delay in news! I have a few big things to go over (and I didn't want to post until they were resolved). 

So the first thing is timeline. The printer has stated that everything will be wrapped and ready to ship to us before the end of next week! After that it will be a month~ ride on a boat to the states, then it will be sent to you!

The next big thing is everyone's favorite: printer errors.

There was a miscommunication with the printer which has lead to all of our rarities being randomized through out every pack, instead of the initial format we wanted. They were able to evenly distribute Brilliant and Alternate art cards through every box, however, so there will still be consistent good pulls. Now every single pack in every single box has the chance to contain gold, which should, at least, make every box opening a wild enigma.

To show that these boxes were printed in error, we have placed Randomizer: ON stickers on the bottom of every Kickstarter box (with the PNG pulled from the Monster Crown video game's Randomizer option). 

I hope that everyone finds the experience of this chaos enjoyable. 

We're looking at being able to kick this project off in a bigger way once we get these cards and have the ability to wow distributors with the quality of what we made! I think this will be sitting on store shelves in a matter of months (though likely not the KS boxes). 

look at how far this has come (taken before the Randomizer stickers were added)

I invite anyone who hasn't to come to the Discord! I give almost daily updates and hang out there, as well as share videos and stuff that I can't on here. If you want to see the printing process via videos, good looks at the boxes, packs being opened, etc, please pop by!

I want to thank everyone again for helping us make this journey doable. I wish all of you the best of pulls.

Monster Crown TCG Creator,

C. Aaron May

Of Printers and Fulfilled Ambition
4 months ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 04:58:05 PM

Hey everyone! Wanted to give a quick update on where we are. Last night I received the printing proofs from the printer, and am reviewing them right now! The next step is sending them your wonderfully and well spent money to GET THIS BAD BOY PRINTED!

That's all I have for now, but boy am I ready to have these cards! I can't wait till people start playing, watching you all develop strategies, and get to watch this game grow together. 

Thanks again to all of you,

Much Monstery love,


Well On Our Way
5 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 04:29:21 AM

Hello all! 

So first, some good news! Turnover on things has went much smoother than we anticipated, and now we're basically just waiting on the conclusion of the Chinese new year to be able to print! I'm beyond ready for that.

We will also be setting up a preorder store (tell your friends 😎) to try to bump this print order up even higher! It would be awesome to hit a higher threshold before the printing company gets back to work!

On the other side, there will be a delay with all non card related items, but we didn't want that to slow down the whole project. As soon as those obstacles are overcome, we'll get those out to you as well

-glares and grumbles about not having 100% Backerkit completion-

That's all I have for now! I'm ready to rip some cardboard! .... Er, rip plastic to stare at shiny cardboard. You know what I mean.


On New Years and Game News
6 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 09:08:41 AM

Hey guys! Sorry for the silence recently, my personal life has been very time consuming, and frankly I didn't have a lot to put out as we await the final steps.

First I want to say that we're still only around 80% completion on Backerkit surveys. I sent out new ones to those who haven't filled them out, and will do so again in a couple days. You won't be able to get your product until shipping is paid for and your information is confirmed, so please help us get those numbers up higher.

Next, some big news and updates on some delays. The first part of the delay is due to some large changes in my own life. My wife got a job in Japan, and we are going to be moving there shortly. Preps for this have eaten up a lot of time, and my focus has had to be there for a while (+ holidays, etc).

SO, on that, general control of the Monster Crown Trading Card Game will be moving more properly to the Studio in charge of Monster Crown. I will still be a part of the creative process and all, but my role in general is going to diminish. Please do be patient with us as we turn over all the information, and the Studio works on plans to ensure the longevity and reach of the TCG. Some things, like production, may be slowed by a few months, but this will give the TCG a higher sustainability and a longer future. Luckily Jason (the Studio Head) is a much more business oriented person (and in general more organized), so this will be for the best!

The game and art are all complete (as most of you have seen via Discord), and we're working on some details with printing companies. The only remaining Kickstarter items are a few of the fan created items (like the NPC tier), and only a couple of those remain. If you're still waiting on one of those tiers, please check your messages for details!

The Tabletop Simulator module is functionally up to date (only a couple cards aren't updated), but is absolutely playable and a great time! If you're interested in playing, please do pop by the discord and invite some people to play! I know there are a few people who are always down (I hope to be more available to play sooner than later!).

Lastly, as always, I want to thank you all for joining us on this journey and helping make this project come to fruition. Whether you're an existing Monster Crown fan who wanted to see the world of MC grow, a TCG player looking for something new, or a collector who has a great eye, I'm glad you're here. Again, please be patient with Jason and the rest of the Studio as I hand off the torch. I'll still respond to any questions on here when I can, and will still give updates for any and every milestone. 

Ta-ta for now, and remember: You guys are the REAL Monsters! 

(that's a compliment on Crown Island, according to my sources, unless you or your loved ones have been eaten by Epheal, trampled by Primigon, carried of by Staglus, beaten to death by Domigon, burned by Gridag, gored by Drangus, disemboweled by Hyna, sat on by Stamlanche, convicted by Libird, betrayed by Hooclaw, had a Dracoyle fall from a building onto you, dropped by a Storklift, met Death, are allergic to Gualchops, mistook a Taupsy for a laundry bag, unwillingly gifted bones to a Rituowl, actually did Migma balls, had a Meerlin teleport into your personal space, been chucked by Chuk, licked a Laz, believed a Mimika, mowed a Trove, arm wrestled a Brutus, been drooled on by Echelk, gazed too long into a Crisa, plucked a Harveskin, didn't share a sandwich with Teedon, didn't let Darwhol reclaim your land,  or... oh, okay, no, it's looking like it's just bad... huh...)

Of Surveys and Print Runs
8 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 07:01:33 AM

ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy - *cough*

"Be professional," he says to himself, steely eyed in the mirror.

Alrighty people! We are requesting our final quote for a bigger, better print run and will be sending this off very soon so we can GET CARDS YES YES YES CARDS SWEET CARDBOARD OF LIFE - ahem.

Today is also the last day to finish your surveys via Backerkit! Last call for add-ons and everything. 

We're working through all of the Backer cards like the NPC tiers, Tamers, and Hybrids (which will all ideally be part of a beautiful mini set filled with fan voted and created cards), and I'm very excited to see what you all help us create! Some of these concepts have been very fun to work on, and I can't wait to do more.

I want to say thank you again to everyone who backed us. It feels so insane to be on the cusp of finishing this. I hope you all love your cards and beat the crap out of your friends and game store rivals.

We'll see you all on the other side of Crown Island!

Frothing at the mouth,

C. Aaron May

Monster Crown TCG (soon to be real jhljnhbvghjcg) Creator