Monster Crown Trading Card Game

Created by Aaron May

Gather a gang of Monsters, and use incredible depths of strategy to bring your friends to their knees, in the Monster Crown TCG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Progress Report!
12 months ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 05:23:56 PM

The Final Piece of the Puzzle

First big note: We have finished all of the base set art! It has been so wonderful to watch it all come together over the last couple years. A lot of amazing people have lent their talents, and I appreciate all that they have done.

If anyone has been keeping up on Discord they'll see we have the updated version of the TTS Module that has every available card to play with! We've been doing a lot more play testing, and what comes out of this and into print it going to be super fun!

The items we are presently focused on are an updated Booster Box design (being done by Shen, one of the most stellar artists on the team!), prepping things for holographic versions of every card (the tests we've done of them look so amazing already), and when the last month of play testing is up, all that should be done... and printing is just around the corner! 

I'm looking forward to getting all of these awesome updates out to you guys as they roll in,  and getting this on store shelves!

If anyone has any questions or notes about the game, please come by the Discord! I try to be timely with replies, but sometimes it can be slow till hopefully one day I can do this full time.

Again, thank all of you for helping make this game become a reality.  I believe you'll be able to feel the effort that has gone into every step of this when you receive your creations.

You people are awesome.

Aaron May

Monster Crown TCG Creator

Who Wants Cards?
12 months ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 10:32:26 AM

Quick update for everyone! We have less than 10 pieces of art remaining, some small things to wrap up, and then... well, it's time to print! I believe it is very possible to have everyone's cards to them before the holidays, barring any unforeseen insanity.  I'm... so, SO amped!

For those who have been monitoring the growth of the game as we've been playing on TTS, we are finishing our last large update to the cards and some rule alterations. I've found ways to finally bring the story/rpg vibe that I always wanted in the game and expanded the ways for people to play with their cards without adding complication to the game. Creating depth married with simplicity is not easy, but I'm glad paths were found! If you are someone who plays the TTS mod, please be patient as we get the card list to match rule updates! If anyone wants to ask questions about anything, please pop by the Discord and I'd love to talk about any changes!

I'll try to make a video talking about the updates soon, but I'm not able to do this full time yet and am in the middle of a move... so time is precious! 

Finally, for those who purchased the NPC, Hybrids, etc tiers, let me fill you in on the plan with those! Adding these cards to the KS base set isn't tenable due to how long it would take to coordinate everything. I developed a mini set that will fundamentally be made of fan based art, staple cards people are having a hard time getting, and all sorts of other fun and experimental stuff. Once we get through this tunnel I will have time to devote to each of you on the creation of your pledge item. I also want people to be able to request certain artists, and I want to ensure the artists have the bandwidth to take requests! 

I hope everyone is ready to get their stuff! The weeks will fly to their arrival!

Thanks again to everyone who made this happen,

Aaron May

Monster Crown TCG Creator

What We've Been Up To
about 1 year ago – Mon, May 29, 2023 at 09:48:32 AM

Hey there everyone! Things have been moving steadily since the Kickstarter concluded! We have our funds and have art pouring in! We'll be starting a monthly showcase shortly for art and some strategies with cards, so be standing by for that!

I post stuff primarily on the Discord, so if you're wanting to keep up, that's the place to do it! Here's the link again for anyone who doesn't have it:

Thanks again for getting us this far, I can't wait to get these cards to you! Make sure you check out our Tabletop Simulator mod as well, we play a few times a week there. 

Thanks again,

Aaron May

Monster Crown TCG Creator 

The Race Is Run
about 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 09:18:10 AM

We did it people! Quite the roller coaster, but a strong finish! I'm so, SO excited to get this really going now!

The reality hasn't hit me yet,  but I know the real work is ahead of us! The exciting part of that is I'm hoping I'll get to meet a lot of you, and use this as another way to bring Monster Crown fans closer than ever! 

It is so radical to think of all the cool things we can make with the funds YOU gave us.  A lot of our money goes to the artists, and this is a lot of cool alt art money 🤟😂 (you can tell MY favorite thing to pull in a pack lol).  But seriously, I can't wait to have more art in production, and to be able to bring these monsters to life via these amazingly talented people. 

We'll keep you actively updated on all things as they progress! Again, I can't thank you all enough for helping me get to this point. I never thought this would be something I could possibly do for a living, and this is the first step in that direction. Y'all are dream makers, not just players, so here's to you!

Still chillin on Crown Island,

Aaron May

Monster Crown TCG Creator 

THANK YOU from the Monster Crown TCG Team
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 10:23:16 AM

Thanks to the outpouring of community support, we actually reached fully-funded status very quickly after we posted our 95% announcement! We didn't want to flood you all with notifications though, so we saved this one for our original, pre-extension end time.

You all were able to help us take what could have been an extremely bad situation and turn it around completely, to the point that we hit our goal even if we didn't have the extra 7 days to account for! But we DO have them, so it's time to aim for those alt art stretch goals!

Chesgard (Ahab), Myrkrsormr (Spudmay), and Nighknit (Racie) discussing cards