Monster Crown Trading Card Game

Created by Aaron May

Gather a gang of Monsters, and use incredible depths of strategy to bring your friends to their knees, in the Monster Crown TCG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hiccups Predicted and Subdued
8 months ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 04:02:35 PM

Whew! Well for those of you who had the Launch Box add-on, the issue is now resolved, and the item will be in your survey! Thanks to the folks at Backerkit for helping me resolve it quickly. 

I appreciate everyone who communicated the issue and was patient with us while we worked through it! If anyone has any other issues or questions, please hit me up! 

Hiccups and Launch Boxes
8 months ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 08:32:31 AM

So for anyone who has went to do their survey and had a Launch Box, there seems to be an issue where it doesn't move the Launch Box over from Kickstarter and instead credits you $50. We're working on a resolution to this right now, and I'll get back to you all with our fix soon! 

Thanks to everyone who brought it to my attention!

Surveys Sent, Wonder Commences
8 months ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 07:52:08 AM

Hey everyone! So we have sent out our surveys via Backerkit! Please let me know if you have any questions about it, or if anything seems odd! This is my first time doing these types of things, so I won't be surprised by any hiccups!

We'll be posting our new and beautiful Rule Book soon, as well as updating the TTS Mod so you can play with your friends. Based on conversations with the printing company, it won't take them very long to actually print the cards. There will be a slight delay in us ordering the cards because I want to pitch this completed project to a few large distibutors first. It would be really cool to get some big bites and be able to increase our print order size! 

Thanks to each of you who brought us to this point: to each backer, big and small, to each play tester for every version of the game (because boy did I alter this a LOT to bring it to where I wanted it), and especially to people like Rachel Briggs who have been pivotal to every step in this process. 

Here's to the future of growth, collectability, and fun games!

Wrapping a Bow on Things
9 months ago – Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 10:47:19 PM

To say the least, this last month has been a blur of development and life! A lot of changes in life have kept me wrapped up, but the game presses on! We did an amazing month of play testing, working hard to get the game to the point I always envisioned it: that heavy RPG sensation, the feeling of world building, a faithfulness to the Monster Crown experience, and a level of approachable but in-depth strategy that I didn't think was possible before having a wonderfully dedicated group to help me play so many games.  

Our present step is finishing setting up Backerkit so that everyone may update their info, and we can collect shipping costs. We have also added a wonderful collection of alternate and full art cards to the base set while all this has been processing (always work in parallel!), and once we finish that portion (2 pieces plus the outlining for holographic aspects of some new cards), we're all ready to get this printed and in people's hands!

Within this week we'll have all the cards updated to match the changes and lessons learned from our play tests, and they'll be available for play on Tabletop Simulator! Some of the things that have changed the most are the Theme Decks, which have been given an enormous breath of life, and will introduce within them themes and concepts that will be touched upon more in future sets. I encourage anyone who hasn't to join the Discord and follow our updates! I try to answer questions as soon as I can, so please hit me up on there and chit chat about the game! I only have so much bandwidth, and that's the easiest place to keep up with everyone (and frankly I'm not a social media person, so outlets like TwiX slip my mind, and I'm too young at heart for Facebook lol). 

I hope these last few months have been kind to everyone, and I hope to get to hear from more of you and see you at events in the future! I have a fun concept for events as we grow larger, allowing player choices to affect the art-based trajectory of the story over time, and I think it is going to be simply wonderful. 

Attached is an example of the level of card art that we have hidden away in our booster packs for you. I know information has been slow recently, but I assure you work has not been. You, good people of taste, are near the end of your waiting. I appreciate your patience, your faith, and your interaction. I don't want this to exist unless it can meet and exceed standards higher than what have been before us, and we are working diligently to that end. The best is ahead of us, and I can't wait for the updates that come next! 

Please, again, do join us on Discord to keep up to date with developments to the game, and feel free to ask me questions whenever!

Looking forward to playing with you all,

Aaron May

Monster Crown Discord Server 

What's your chase card?

Alt Arts Incoming! Help Us Pick!
11 months ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 10:23:22 AM

We're getting some alt arts done for the base set, which I'm very stoked on! Here's a google poll to help us select some more Boss Monsters that you all would like to see get more art!

Monster Crown TCG Alt Art Poll (

A few I knew I was going to HAVE to get alts for, but for some of the others I want fan opinions. Looking forward to seeing which Monster is the most popular!